Spreading 75 Tons of Cattle Manure On Alfalfa
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=xCwvMTr0eZU
Hauling Manure that I got from neighbors, and spreading it on the Hay Fields before the winter. Made some cornstalk bales to give in return, and got some bales sold and things look good going into the Winter. • Ty the Farm Guy's YouTube channel: / @tythefarmguy • 00:00 Hauling Manure with Dump Truck • 10:48 Hauling Second Manure Pile • 16:29 Spreading Manure on Fields • 21:12 Walk Around/Selling Bales • 22:57 Corn Stalk Bales • 26:27 Manure Analysis/Outro