Kid Niki Radical Ninja NES Playthrough
A playthrough of Data East's 1987 platformer for the NES, Kid Niki: Radical Ninja. • This video shows two runs through the game. The first shows most of the secret bonus areas and shortcuts. The second, beginning at 19:44, includes everything that wasn't shown in the first. (Everything, that is, but the last few of the doors in the temple. There's a bonus room hidden below each of the five windows in the long hallway, and you can only open one per game.) • Kid Niki: Radical Ninja is a port of Irem's Kaiketsu Yanchamaru (快傑ヤンチャ丸), an arcade game originally released in late 1986. There's not much plot to speak of, but the hot pink box is nothing if not enthusiastic in its pitch: • KID NIKI is truly AWESOME! This rad and bad punk dude is out to rescue his spike-haired girlfriend, Princess Margo, from the clutches of the Stone Wizard. Armed with a razor-sharp sword, this miniature madman slices his giant rivals down to size! • So, after bursting through a wall and screaming, Will help you! Kid Niki leaps into action in a quest spanning seven stages set across feudal-era Japan. In each area, he runs around slashing the bad guys (with a sword that he somehow twirls like a baton without cutting his fingers off) and occasionally dipping into hidden bonus chambers on his way to a showdown with a boss. • The bosses are an eclectic crew, and they're easily the most memorable part of the game. My favorite is the one who attacks by farting in your general direction. • And that's pretty much it. It's a simple, old-fashioned, well-made game that doesn't rely on gimmicks, and that's why I like it so much. It gets the basics right, and that's all it needs to be fun. • (Also, please pardon the inordinate amount of time spent thrashing about at 12:38. I knew there was a secret there - one that I hadn't seen shown in other videos of the game - but I've not been able to figure out how to reliably trigger it. It was by sheer luck that I managed to hit it in this recording.) • _____________ • No cheats were used during the recording of this video. • • NintendoComplete ( punches you in the face with in-depth reviews, screenshot archives, and music from classic 8-bit NES games!