KH BBS Keyblade Graveyard Electric Orchestral remix
A cover of the Keyblade Graveyard theme. Part orchestral, part ambient rock. • Looking for more KH tracks like this? Checkout my playlist: • • Kingdom Hearts • Starting out with this one, I knew I wanted a guitar pattern that made liberal use of effects pedals, though figuring out a pattern that worked with the chords and didn't sound dull took a couple of tries. Once that was done, I had the idea to introduce the alternating left-right hi-hat pattern. My first thoughts there was to run it through a low pass filter and automate that, but then I decided that would take too much work and ended up just applying a phaser effect. After that, everything else I added just just winging it as I went along. Originally, I didn't even intend to have the slow solo, only ending up adding it because I felt it would lead nicely into the climax. • Time spent working on the track: 11 hours. • Credits: • Composed by Yoko Shimomura. • MIDI referenced sequenced by catmaster0116 of VGMusic. • Video made with FL Studio ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin • Effect author credits: • Electric - nimitz Twitter: @stormoid Adapted from • WormHoleEclipse, Blooming - Jph Wacheski • Polar - Kjell, Dubswitcher • Dubswitcher Starburst - Dubswitcher • #kingdomhearts #birthbysleep