The FINAL Episode Pokemon Alpha Sapphire HD Extreme Randomizer Nuzlocke Episode 16
Want to see the unluckiest person in Pokemon Ever? Watch this. • Watch ALL Episodes of my Alpha Sapphire adventure here! • • Pokemon Alpha Sapphire HD Extreme Ran... • ► Welcome to Episode 16 of my Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire HD Extreme Randomizer Nuzlocke! After training up Vulture and Miek, today we will attempt to sail across the river and meet up with Steven Stone for an adventure that we will never forget! • ► Episode 16 Raw (Unedited) Footage - • • EP 16 RAW • ► Watch me Randomize the game here - • Randomizing PokeTips Pokemon Alpha Sa... • ► About Pokemon Alpha Sapphire • Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are two 2014 role-playing video games developed by Game Freak, published by The Pokémon Company and Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. They are part of the sixth generation of the Pokémon series, serving as enhanced remakes of the 2002 Game Boy Advance titles Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. The games were announced on May 7, 2014, in a teaser trailer released by Nintendo. As with Pokémon X and Y, the games include all official translations, unlike previous generations where each game contained only a single language. • Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were released in Japan, North America, and Australia on November 21, 2014, exactly twelve years after the release date of the original Ruby and Sapphire, while the European release was the following week. As of December 31, 2018, the games have sold 14.17 million copies worldwide. • ► Welcome to PokeTips! I'm your number one source for all things Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon on the Nintendo Switch and Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu and Eevee news! I will have you updated on all the latest and greatest Pokemon information, rumors, leaks guides and tutorials about Pokemon Nintendo Switch games! • #pokemonrandomizer #megabanette #randomizerloss #alphasapphire