When Barracudas Attack

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When barracudas attack! Divers, swimmers and fishermen try to avoid this fish species in the open waters of the ocean. • What happened today in serial killer history? Visit https://theywillkillyou.com/ for macabre murders and gruesome details you won’t find anywhere else! • Follow us on Instagram: @theywillkillyou • Voiceover by Carl Mason: [email protected] • Number 6 Gilbert Espat • Spear fisherman Gilbert Espat was out on a reef in Belize. It had begun like any other fishing trip. At around 6:00 am, Espat and some of his friends were at the Esmeralda Dive Site, just outside the reef. At one point, he noticed a 4-foot barracuda. The man reacted quickly and covered his head with his right arm. Nevertheless, he was told that he’d been fortunate. • What Is It? • Barracudas are ray-finned fish belonging to Sphyraena, the only genus in the Sphyraenidae family. They have white bellies, silvery sides and dark grey, blue or dark green on their upper bodies. Some species, such as the great barracuda, can grow to be nearly 7 feet long and weigh over 100 pounds. The record for the heaviest barracuda caught on rod-and-reel was set in Angola, in 2013. • Number 5 Kevin Faver • Kevin Faver, a TV producer for a show called “Tails from the Outdoors” was nearly flattened by a 40-pound barracuda which went flying at his head. In May, 2012, Faver was in a charter boat, fishing off the coast of Florida. His rod bent as he tried to pull the fish towards the boat. That’s when the massive barracuda launched itself out of the water. Faver barely managed to avoid the incoming mass of razor-sharp teeth and the fish landed inside the boat. A video became viral on YouTube, with over 3,100,000 views. • Number 4 Michelle Casasola • 9-year-old Michelle Casasola was snorkeling in the Florida Keys, in the summer of 2010. She and other children were feeding bagels to the fish so that they could get a closer look at them. Her mother then noticed the barracuda swim away. • Where Is It Located? • Barracudas can be found in tropical and subtropical waters all-over the world. These include the tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean, the western edges of the Caribbean Sea and the eastern border of the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. They tend to prefer habitats close to the shore and reside near the top of the water in coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds. While barracudas are primarily marine fish, some species will also venture into brackish waters. Adults and aging fish tend to be solitary but younger fish are known to form packs. This allows them to better hunt schools of plankton-feeding fish. • Number 3 Parker King • 13-year-old Parker King and his father were fishing off the coast of Port Orange, Florida. They’d spotted the fish and Parker’s father believed it would be a “fun little fight”. Unfortunately, it would soon turn into a desperate race to save his son’s life. Within seconds, the barracuda leapt out of the water and started biting into the teen’s arm and chest. They were about 20 miles from the shore and there was no cell phone reception so they couldn’t call for help. Irwin King wrapped a towel around Parker’s arm and chest. He then turned to shore at full speed, with the barracuda still in tow at the back of his small fishing boat. • How? • Because of their size and speed, barracudas are basically the animal equivalent of a torpedo. This may happen even if they’re in a boat as barracudas are known to leap out of the water, particularly when they get hooked. • Number 2 Karri Larson • In 2011, Karri Larson and boyfriend Michael Hinoiosa were kayaking in the Florida Keys. As they were paddling through the mangroves in a two-seat kayak, a barracuda jumped out of the water and struck Larson. It knocked her out of the kayak. She later said that she’d thought about her daughter, who was getting married, and how she needed to walk her down the aisle. Freestone drove his boat through the mangroves and found the couple. He took them to the marina and Larson was airlifted to Miami. • How to? • Barracudas rely heavily on their eyesight when hunting and are attracted to objects in the water that have an unusual movement, color or reflection. So, if you plan to swim in waters known for the presence of barracudas try to carry a limited amount of objects with highly-reflective properties. It’s best to avoid eating barracuda all together, since it’s labelled as a high-risk reef fish. Conventional cooking won’t destroy ciguatoxin, as it’s stored in the fat of the fish. • Number 1 Koral Wira • Koral Wira was left with deep gashes in her arm after a barracuda attack that took place on her family’s boat. At the time, the 14-year-old was fishing with her family in the Gulf of Mexico. The barracuda took her father’s shark bait then jumped teeth first more than 3 feet out of the water.


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