Triple H and Shawn Michaels Have a Massive Brawl RAW May 242004
First Triple H Batista Wait for Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Batista then Acidentally Attack Stevie Richards Because they Misunderstood him with Shawn Michaels Later Shawn Michaels Attacks Triple H Which Causes a Brawl • Later at the end of RAW Triple H and Shawn Michaels Come out Have a Heated Confrontation that Turns into a Huge Brawl, Eric Bichoff then Comes out and Books Triple H to Face Shawn Michaels in a Hell in a Cell Match at Bad Blood RAW May 24,2004 • RAW 2004 • #wwe #tripleh #shawnmichaels #batista #randyorton #ericbishcoff #brawl • Credits to WWE ©