Brené Brown on Empathy vs Sympathy
REAL active listening is Empathy. I said empathy not Sympathy. Moms show empathy. Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters, while empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another. Feeling their sorrow. • An advisor that is sympathetic can make a superficial connection with their customer but miss the deeper level of connection that makes you a customer collector. • Sympathy is still a positive and will resolve the customer’s concern and will show pity for the customer’s issue, but its missing that deeper level of connection. • It’s the emotion that sympathy lacks. • An advisor that’s empathetic understands the feeling of being stranded without their car, loss of freedom. Feeling that loss, then acting upon it, communicates its equally important to you as it is to the customer. • Having a sixth sense is connecting Emotionally with your customers and expressing how much you really care. That’s connecting on a Deeper level. • Join our Facebook Groups: • For Service Advisors -- • For Service Managers -- • For Dealers / General Managers -- • For Independent Shop Owners --