How Farmers Harvested and Threshed Wheat in the 1880s


Sifting and Winnowing grains on a small scale; this is Hard Red Winter Wheat. There aren't many efficient methods of growing and harvesting wheat on a small scale until your fields are large enough to justify a seed drill and plot combine, so most of us have to make do with the most efficient methods we can manage with our existing (or inexpensive) tools. I use my old hammermill shredder because i had it. I also had the plastic crates and bins I use for sifting. • CUTTING WHEAT AND RYE GRAIN • I also had an old brushcutter I didn't use, and made a grain cradle for it, which works great, much better than using my large bread knife to cut wheat, which was my first method. See cutting wheat with the brushcutter here: •    • Cutting Wheat 2015   • MY BLOG NOTES ON GRAIN, FLOUR, AND MAKING BREAD •


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