What is The Egyptian Papyrus of Ipuwer

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Source: Who were the Hyksos? Challenging traditional narratives using strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analysis of human remains from ancient Egypt • As you can see in this video, immigration and invasion problems did not start with the Hyksos. Groups coming from the Near East started invading the area, prior to the 1st intermediate period. The fact that this appears in the Laments of Ipuwer, is evidence that it was a very serious problem already. Indigenous Egyptians were feeling like their country was being taken from them by these foreigners. This also means that many of the people living in the delta were not indigenous. They became Egyptians, but they were immigrants. They can't be used to talk about the builders of that civilization. • Remember that the Prophecy of Neferty which establishes the rule that the savior of Kemet must come from Nubia or be the son of a Nubian woman has been written during that period of turmoil. If you check the source provided within the video, you will notice that during the Middle Kingdom, the ancient Egyptians, associated the word disorder to the people of the Near EAst (as mentioned in the Laments of Ipuwer) , while at the same time linking Nubians, to the throne of Kemet as mentioned in the prophecy of Neferty. • As we have seen in previous videos, the ties between Nubia and Kemet have always been strong since the predynastic period. Kemet was not linked to areas out of the continent like the Near EAst. There were contacts, but culturally and politically the real ties were with Nubia. That's why the best area to determine who the indigenous Egyptians really were are located in upper Egypt and in the Nubia. That's the headquarters of that civilization. • Watch more short stories here: https://bit.ly/3zrdEmw • For in depth content visit: https://mrimhotep.org • If you are interested in the art appearing in my videos: https://bit.ly/3llqqTS • Visit our shop to get great products inspired by African history: https://mrimhotep.org/shop • Support the channel by getting my children’s books here: • www.mrimhotep.org/books or on Amazon https://amzn.to/3hDVN60 • Don't forget to support the channel : • 1. Join our Secret Community: https://bit.ly/3GN2USW • 2. Get Our Children's Books: https://bit.ly/30hVKVV • 3. Donations: https://mrimhotep.org/donation-2/ • 4. Patreon (If you need sources): https://mrimhotep.org/support-donation/ • 5. Get Afro mugs ☕️: https://bit.ly/3HbpPpZ • • #imhotepfacts • #shorts • #ancientegypt


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