Alice amp Bob and Bluefors
Alice Bob's cat qubits have a cool home inside Bluefors fridges. • Alice Bob build universal, error-free, quantum computers. Their unique technology of self-correcting superconducting quantum bit, the cat qubit, allows for a much simpler road to fault-tolerant and universal gate-based quantum computing. • In this video Alice Bob's Quantum Engineer Paul Magnard tells about his work in designing new hardware solutions for the company's research. Our dilution refrigerator measurement systems enable that work and help Alice Bob to reach towards their goal of building an ideal quantum computer. • The company recently had new Bluefors systems installed, which were named Obelix and Idefix. With these new systems, Alice Bob is able to scale up their chips and go towards full-scale quantum processors. See how the systems were installed, tested, and how our Cryo Engineer helped in the installation process. • On our blog, Paul Magnard also explains in more detail what the cat qubits are and how our systems help them in their research: • Collaboration keeps the quantum computing industry moving forward. That is why we are thrilled to be working with Alice Bob, enabling the quantum technology breakthrough! • #quantum #quantumcomputing #cryogenics #CoolForProgress #CooledByBluefors #CoolingYourQubits @alicebob5464