Monochronic and Polychronic Cultures Manage Time Across Cultures
Studies show that people living in monochronic and polychronic cultural contexts perceive and manage time differently. Learn how to manage time when working with people from different cultures in international teams or with business partners across borders. Become a more empathetic friend and global citizen with an open mindset, who is ready to adapt to build bridges. • Subscribe to this channel for more psychological mind hacks that shall help you to understand and develop yourself and others and to make the best of life on this planet earth ---------- / @drchristin • Find more material on how to understand yourself and others' better and thus achieve more on my website: (under free resources) • Thanks to Chalisa Trakarn for sharing a real life case and design ideas. • Test to find out if you have a polychronic or monochronic orientation of time using scales developed and validated by scholars. • Rate the following statements from 1-5, 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree. Add up your scores. A higher score indicates polychronic orientation and a lower score a monochronic time orientation. • 45-40 strongly polychronic, 39-28 polychronic, 27 neutral, 26-15 monochronic, 14-9 strongly monochronic • 1. I like to juggle several activities at the same time • 2. People should try to do many things at once • 3. When I sit down at my desk, I work on several things at a time • 4. I am comfortable doing several things at the same time • 5. When I work by myself, I usually work on one project at a time • 6. I believe people do their best work when they have many tasks to complete • 7. I don't think it is important to complete one task before beginning another • 8. I believe it is best for people to be given several tasks and assignments to perform • 9. I would rather complete parts of several projects every day than complete an entire project • Use this shorter scale to assess your polychronic or monochronic orientation at work, the higher the number the more monochronic you are. Score each from 1 to 5, 1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree. Add up your points • 25-21 strongly monochronic, 20-16 monochronic, 15 neutral, 14-10 polychronic, 9-5 strongly polychronic) • 1. I use call forwarding when I am in a meeting • 2. I use a do not disturb sign when I am in a meeting • 3. I work with my office door open. Reverse scored, e.g. count 5 as 1, 4 as 2. points etc. • 4. I have the department secretary screen my calls