Repairing The 1993 Kenmore Direct Drive Part 1


View Part 2 Here    • Repairing The 1993 Kenmore Direct Dri...   • Part one of repairing the Kenmore direct drive washing machine. If you haven't seen the videos Wash day fail or octember came early,The machine died. It quit when it came time to do a rinse drain and would just humm and dim the lights. Would not drain or spin or agitate. Talking with jaykay18 and googling the symptoms the culprit was narrowed down to either a bad start cap or a blown motor. • Well I decided I might as well overhaul it a bit and installed a new motor new start capacitor. I don't know if the old capacitor was bad or not as when trying to get the wires off the cap disintegrated so I could not test it. I kept the old motor to maybe one day make a custom box fan out of it. • Also installed a new clutch since allot people commented on my vids that the clutch appeared worn due to the amount of time it took to get up to spin speed. The new clutch BTW had the wrong spring installed. The clutch by default is supposed to have the larger light blue spring installed from the factory. Well for some reason they installed the smaller dark blue spring instead which is used in compact washers. • While It spins no problem you can hear a rubbing noise. New motor coupler also and went with the non metal insert version. The coupler is DESIGNED to fail to protect either the motor or the gearcase if something goes wrong. With the metal insert it might not fail and cause damage to the motor or gearcase plus I read that the ones with the metal insert don't always fit. • It was a ROYAL pain in the ass to get the gearcase out. • It would move a inch or so then get stuck. Had to use a rubber mallet and channel locks to get the gearcase out. When putting the gearcase back in I had to hit the base of the gearcase with the rubber mallet to get it to go back in. • The machine is also missing a plastic spacer that goes under the agitator(not by me) so either the used appliance place lost the part or a previous owner did. Anyway it's repaired. Part 2 will be testing the unit.


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