Shiny Dialga 483 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl


This was the single most stubborn thing to record ever. It took me 13 takes to finally capture Dialga as it kept being a hassle and breaking out of balls or just obliterating my entire party. After a long time I was able to put it in film and I am so glad I did. • I was admittedly overconfident and unprepared thinking they buffed the catch rate. I don't know if they did or not, just that I had few pokeballs and overall didn't fully get ready. I had to get creative with Super Fang and Yawn in order to chip away at the hit points, and pray that my Infernape did not just KO Dialga. • I love Rowan's facial expression after the fact, he's dumbfounded you just caught the literal god of time in a Poke Ball. • We have a Discord server for this Youtube channel now! Feel free to stop by! •   / discord   • • If you are able and willing to donate money, please consider using Ko-fi to do so. What is notable about this service is that it does not have a surcharge like Patreon does. Other than the Paypal processing fees, I get all of the money you give me. • I have recently listed all of the equipment I use to make my videos on Kit. If you would like to support this channel while buying stuff for yourself, please visit the following link. •


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