Genshin Impact Yae Miko Dodge Slow Down
Are you all ready for Yae Miko? 2nd character banner for Genshin Impact 3.2 Update will be Yae Miko and Childe. Which character will you be pulling? Here's a footage of us using Yae Miko dodging some attacks. Wishing all Yae Miko wanters to be havers! • We are GameBonkerz. GameBonkerz is a group of gamers who enjoys playing a variety of games from Genshin Impact, Tower Of Fantasy, Overwatch 2 to Valorant and more. We stream on Twitch and TikTok! • Follow us for more updates on Genshin and other games: • TikTok: / gamebonkerz • Twitch: / gamebonkerzofficial • Support our channel by subscribes to: / gamebonkerz • #GenshinImpact #YaeMiko #GenshinImpact32