Bamboo Sia amp Chaeron Present Erica Mukisa Kimanis Testimony of Angels Part 9A


Erica was initiated into sorcery at the age of 8 years old by her grandmother (her father's mother). For the first time ever, Erica's mother, Bernadette Waiswa Agutu gives her testimony of what it was like being the target of a powerful sorcerer and the life of hardship she was forced to pass through. She also elaborates on what it was like to lose everything and live in abject poverty as a result of her mother in law's witchcraft. We bless the Lord for such an in depth testimony of the goodness of God and the ability of the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver the captives and set them free! • Please help us spread this message by donating through PayPal address: • [email protected] • Please send a gift to Erica's parents for revealing all they have been going through to the whole world, this is not easy! • Please support our channel on Patreon: •   / lifeisspiritual   • You may also support this ministry through +254717062098 (Timsimon Kimani) or +254799733775 (Erica Mukisa). • This ministry is a charity ministry. That means that we focus on spreading the gospel and ministering to the poor of Africa with our substance. Your donations helps us do that. If you are looking for a charity which focuses on the poor of Africa, please feel free to consider us as your trusted charity of choice. Through the donations of well wishers, we have been able to establish a church in the village of Isikwe, Jinja where Erica's grandmother had bewitched so many people. As a result of witchcraft, the entire village lives in abject poverty. Your donations will help us continue with the much needed construction process. We are confident that with your help, all things are possible. • May God bless you as you give. • Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, • Proverbs 19:17 He that is gracious to the poor lends unto Jehovah; and what he has bestowed will he repay unto him. • This is how we lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven. When Erica died and went to Heaven, she saw many people who were pleading with the Father to allow them to go back to the earth and do what they were supposed to do. We are not against tithing, however, we see that Jesus said there is something more important than the tithe, which is mercy, judgement and faith. This aspect of ministry is the dimension of the mercy of God. Remember that our Heavenly Father sits upon the mercy seat. • Exodus 25:22 “And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat,... • Jesus said: • Matthew 6:19-21 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust does corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal; 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. • There are many more whom we have been able to assist thanks to your generosity whom we have not been able to show in this video but they all send their heartfelt appreciation and they pray that Yahweh may bless you so that you may continue to be a blessing and lay up for yourself treasures in Heaven and right here in the earth. This movement is close to the heart of the Father. May He bless you as you fulfill His plans. • Download Books From Life Is Spiritual Ministries here: • • • Erica Part One (Erica's eye opening testimonials of how she served Satan for eighteen years and lived to tell her story). • Erika Part One • ebook • • • • Erica Part Two Eighteen Years With Lucifer • ebook • • • • Erica Part Three Witchcraft Spiritual Warfare • ebook • • • • The Truth About Money • ebook • • These books are great tools for the young and old alike. Where ever these truths are told there has been revival in homes, marriages, ministries and lives all over the world. We give glory to our Heavenly Father for what He is doing. • God bless you. • Tim Bamboo Erica Kimani


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