How To Be A GOOD TEAMMATE In Solo Queue Rocket League


In this video I explain the top 5 ways you can be a good teammate in solo queue Rocket League. These tips work really well in any playlist so they apply to anyone who plays 2v2 or 3v3. • I also recently joined GamersRdy as a coach. • If you want coaching from me, you can check me out here: • • You Should Also Check These Out: • Discord:   / discord   • Twitter:   / waytonpilkin   • Twitch:   / wayton   • CHECK OUT MY ROCKET LEAGUE COURSE: • In this new Rocket League video I talk about the 5 biggest tips for being a good teammate with people you don't have communication with. Most players in competitive playlists in Rocket League are playing alone so it's important that you know how to play with a wide range of play styles. There are loads of different types of Rocket League players out but these tips apply and can help you rank up with all sorts of players. Ever had bad teammates before? These Rocket League tips will help you out tremendously. The main biggest tips for solo queuing in Rocket League that I gave in this video is having trust in your teammates. Trust is an extremely underrated factor of solo queuing in Rocket League. A lack of trust between two teammates can often lead to bad chemistry and a toxic mindset along with increasing tilt which we all know there is enough of in Rocket League. Rocket League is perhaps one of the most unique team based games because the map is always the same but yet there's so much to learn and so much room to improve. I personally believe there is no skill ceiling at all in Rocket League and that players will continue to progress in skill and ability. The future of rank and esports in Rocket League is exciting to think about especially with all the new players that will be coming in when Rocket League goes free to play and enters the epic games store. Let me know what you're most excited about for the future of Rocket League in the comments. Thanks for watching and thanks for subscribing! • Music from • :)


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