PATAPON 2 REMASTERED Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 1080p HD PS4 PRO No Commentary


Hi! I'm Bill Bounce and I'll explain the story/plot/meaning of Patapon 3. Enjoy! • Patapon 3 is the third game in the series, focusing on the Patapons' war against the Archfiends and their search for Earthend. • • Considered a hybrid of both music and Real Time Strategy games, Patapon is a PSP game which focuses on the control of an army of small, cyclopean creatures through a series of brightly-colored, silhouetted, 2D scenarios. The only HUD present in-game is the health bar of your Patapon squads and the help option which shows all of the commands you have unlocked; there isn't such a thing as a cursor or control panel. Instead, the actions of the Patapons as a group are determined by a series of 4 beats, in-tempo with the background song. Each of the 4 face buttons represents a drum; the combination of these sounds create orders for your army to follow, such as advance , attack , defend , and so on. Efficiently giving out orders to your Patapons without missing a beat will lead to them entering Fever Mode, during which they will become stronger and faster, as well as gaining new attacks. This Fever mode becomes increasingly necessary as the game progresses.The game also has several minigames to let you improve your army (all of them rhythm-based) and several RPG elements, letting you customize your Patapons with the stronger weapons you can find, etc. • • Background • The Patapons are a tribe of warriors that were undefeatable by any foe when fighting alongside the drums of their god, the Almighty. They resemble a walking eyeball, with round black body dominated by a single eye, tiny limbs, and a cap or helmet on top. The game leads them through their world, hunting, fighting, and always searching for their one goal, IT , which they desire to look upon and gain eternal contentment. On the way, they clash with their enemies, the Zigoton Tribe. • The story continues from the previous game. The ship the Patapons and Zigotons have constructed has been finally completed and they have set sail for new lands. On their way there, they are attacked by a Kraken who easily defeats them and sends the Patapons into the ocean to be washed ashore in a strange new land (which is actually and originally their homeland, the Patapolis) where they come up against another tribe called the Karmen. Now it is a battle to defeat the Karmen and find out who is their true enemy. Early in the game, the Patapons discover the mysterious Hero , who wears a mask which boosts his abilities. Later, the Patapons fight against the Akumapons, and the Dark One . Gong the Hawkeye and his fellow Zigotons appear once more, to assist the Patapons against the Karmen. • Patapon 3 focuses on the Patapons stopping the Seven Archfiends and, of course, the Patapons' continued search for Earthend. During their journey, they come across multitudes of enemies and problems barring their path. Will the Patapons finally succeed in locating Earthend? • Music used: • Dr. Neo Cortex - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy • Patapon 3 Soundtrack - 04 ホーホイヤッハのテーマ • Patapon 3 Soundtrack - 33 撤退 • Patapon 3 Soundtrack - 34 アジト • Patapon 3 Soundtrack - 36 カジヤン • Patapon 3 Soundtrack - 39 希望の星 • Patapon 3 Soundtrack - 42 まくあいあい • Patapon 3 Soundtrack - 44 なんなんなんだ • Snow Go - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy • Snow Go Route - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy • Under Pressure Deep Trouble - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy • [OST] Bayonetta 2 – Sadness and Anger • [OST] Bayonetta 2 – The End • Bayonetta - OST - Battle for the Umbra Throne • Bayonetta - OST - Chapter Clear • Bayonetta - OST - Lava Swallows the Town • Bayonetta - OST - Luka Enters • Bayonetta - OST - Red Black • Bayonetta - OST - Riders of the Light • Bayonetta - OST - Truth • Bayonetta - OST - Vigrid - Station of Home • Boruto Naruto Next Generations OST I #29 Bold (Yūkon) • Boruto Naruto Next Generations OST I #12 Boruto~Unparalleled (Musō) • Devil May Cry 3 - Devils Never Cry • Devil May Cry 3 OST - M-20 End (Conclusion) • Devil May Cry 3 OST - Track 01 • God Hand OST - 02 - Genes Rock A Bye • God Hand OST - 05 - Smoking Roll • God Hand OST - 16 - Floating Fort • God hand OST - 17 - Dark Matter • God Hand OST - 30 - Fly Flap • God Hand OST - 33 - Devil May Sly • God Hand OST - 40 - Sultry Night • • Patapon 3 story explained Patapon 3 plot explained PSP essentials Patapon Remastered Bill Bounce • #Patapon3storyexplained #Patapon3plotexplained #pataponstoryexplained • #pataponplotexplained #Patapon3 #Patapon #Sony #Pyramid #JapanStudio #Sony #PSPgames #thebestpspgames #bestpspgames #pspessentials #pspgames #pspnostalgia #billbounce #gingy #gamersault #PataponWalkthrough #Patapon2 #Patapon3 #RythmGame • #RetroReview #Retrospecter #LocoRoco #Patapon2007 #PataponStoryRecapped #GamePlotRecapped #Patapon1


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