Apogee Duet Connecting to a Stereo System
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Learn more about Apogee Duet: http://www.apogeedigital.com/products... • In this tutorial we will show you how to connect Duet to your home stereo system for the ultimate iTunes listening experience. • First go to Audio MIDI set up... and make sure that Duet is set up to be the default playback device on your Mac. • If you are Using Duet with iPhone or iPad this step is not necessary. • Since most home stereo systems have un-balanced inputs we will set the outputs of Duet to the -10 setting found in the Maestro mixer. • Select the Output tab, and change the Analog Level from +4 to -10 on Line 1 and Line 2 • Now use 1/4 TRS to RCA cables to connect the output of Duet to the any available input on your stereo system... except the phono input if your stereo is equipped with one. • Turn the volume of your stereo all the way down • Turn Duet's attenuation controller all the way up • Play music in iTunes • Now slowly turn the volume of your stereo up to a level you enjoy.