Agafya Lykova Hermits or fugitives


Agafya Lykova Hermits or fugitives • Agafya Lykova was born on April 17, 1944, into a family of Old Believers of the Chapel Consent — the Lykovs, who fled to hard-to-reach places in the Siberian taiga to escape persecution of their faith. Her father was Karp Osipovich Lykov and her mother was Akulina Karpovna. Since the late 1930s, the Lykov family lived in complete isolation from civilization. After 1946, the Lykovs' permanent place of residence became the bank of the Erinat River, a tributary of the Abakan. In addition to her father and mother, Agafya Lykova had a sister and two brothers: Savin (c. 1926-1981), Natalya (c. 1936-1981), and Dmitry (c. 1940-1981). In the family of Old Believer hermits, Agafya was the most literate. She was entrusted with conducting home church services. Agafia's mother, Akulina Karpovna, died in 1961. The Lykov family was discovered by civilization in 1978. Geologists who were exploring this area of ​​Siberia came to the Lykov farmstead. At the time of the scientists' discovery of the Lykov farmstead, the family consisted of five people. In October 1981, Agafia's brother Dmitry died, in December her second brother Savin died, and 10 days later Agafia's only sister, Natalya, died. For seven years, Agafia lived with her father, Karp Osipovich, who died on February 16, 1988. After her father's death, Agafia contacted her relatives, but her relationship with them never worked out. In 1990, Agafia Lykova moved to an Old Believer convent belonging to the chapel community and underwent the rite of nakrytiya (taking monastic vows). However, after several months, Agafya returned, citing ill health and ideological differences with the nuns of the chapel community. • From that moment on, Agafya lived almost permanently at the Lykovs' farmstead. During this time, many travelers, journalists, writers, and representatives of religious communities of various faiths visited her. Agafya also had monastery novices and volunteers who helped with the housework. Agafya corresponded with local authorities and often asked for help. • The governor of the neighboring Kemerovo Region, Aman Tuleyev, repeatedly ordered that the hermit be given everything she needed, as well as medical care. In 2011, Agafya Lykova wrote a letter to the head of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church, Metropolitan Korniliy (Titov), ​​asking to join the ROCOR, which was done. In November 2019, Agafya's nephew Anton Lykov was found and came to visit her. For some time, an elderly hunter, Erofey Sedov, who was part of the group that found her, lived next door to her, but then he was unable to help her due to health reasons, and his relationship with Agafya was difficult, and in 2015 he died. • Direct advertisers for your built-in advertising of goods and services, as well as YouTube channels, in videos, go to the page on VKontakte: • The video used materials from the trips of RTU MIREA students to Agafya Lykova. Link to videos about Agafya Lykova TV MIREA:    / @mirearu   • #lykova • #agafya • #hermit


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