Skin Rash in Newborn Dr Harish C Doctors Circle


Dr. Harish C | Appointment booking number: 99623 14018 • Consultant Paediatric Interventional Cardiologist | Joss Center Jayanagar 7th Block, Bengaluru • There are several kind of skin rashes that are particularly unique in newborn period. Most of them are asymptomatic like for example there can be multiple small lesion all over the body and there are multiple small popular lesions on the face and that a re self resolution the other common rashes are diaper rashes or it could be like birth mark where like the Mongolian spot that is a large blue green spot seen on the back and the buttocks. So they may disappear over a period of time. Skin Rash can be of concern when it is associated with fever and when associated with blistering of the skin or if there are any dark or any red spot is seen. It could be a large dark, red patch. Rash can be of concern when it is associated with fever, fussy baby, excessively crying baby if the rash is associated with pain and swelling around the rash or if there are multiple skin rashes that are pigmented rashes or small dark red patch. This could be a red colored spot or a large red colored patch, then it is of concern. Some of the rashes are preventable light avoiding tight clothing and frequent changing of diapers. Avoid allergic substances. • #NewbornSkinRash • #SkinRash • #SkinRashBaby


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