Room Database MVVM Build a Note App


*SQL Databases and Room Database in Android Development - Build a Note-Taking App* • In this comprehensive playlist, we dive deep into working with SQL databases in Android development. We start by covering the fundamentals of SQL databases using the `SQLiteOpenHelper` class. You'll learn how to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) data in your Android apps using SQLite, a lightweight database engine that is perfect for mobile applications. • Once you have a solid understanding of SQL databases in Android, we move on to explore the Room Persistence Library, which is a part of Android Jetpack. Room provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite. It also offers compile-time verification of SQL queries, seamless integration with LiveData, and support for data migration, making it a superior choice for database management in modern Android applications. • By the end of this playlist, you will build a fully functional note-taking app where you can apply your newly acquired skills. You will see how Room can simplify database management and improve performance, making your Android development process more efficient and your apps more reliable. • If you're interested in a complete guide to mastering Kotlin and Android development, check out my full course: [The Complete Kotlin and Android Development Course]( In this course, I cover everything from the basics of Kotlin to advanced Android topics, ensuring you have all the tools you need to become a proficient Android developer! • Timestamps: • #1 (00:00:00) Create SQL database using SQLiteOpenHelper • #2 (00:09:26) SQL statement to create a table • #3 (00:15:31) CRUD operations • #4 (00:24:52) Get all contacts from database • #5 (00:39:43) Get one contact using the id • #6 (00:47:26) Get count and delete contact • #7 (0:56:36) Room Library Introduction • #8 (01:02:20) Creating our Entity class • #9 (01:07:39) Creating our DAO(Data Access Object) • #10 (01:20:23) Creating the Repository class • #11 (01:23:41) Creating our ViewModel Class • #12 (01:32:15 RecyclerView Adaptor • #13 (01:47:52) RecyclerView Adaptor 2 • #14 (01:52:19) Add-Edit Note Activity • #15 (02:26:23) Swipe to Delete Note • #16 (02:37:51) Edit Note • #17 (02:56:19) Animations • Feel free to adjust or add any specific details to better suit your needs! • #AndroidDevelopment #SQLDatabases #RoomDatabase #SQLiteOpenHelper #KotlinProgramming #AndroidJetpack #AndroidAppDevelopment #MobileAppDevelopment #NoteTakingApp #CRUDOperations #DatabaseManagement #AndroidStudio #KotlinForBeginners #LearnAndroid #RoomVsSQLite #LiveData #MVVMArchitecture #SQLTutorial #RoomPersistenceLibrary #AndroidRoomTutorial #AndroidDatabaseTutorial #BuildAndroidApps #KotlinRoomDatabase #RoomDatabaseMigration #AndroidTutorial #AndroidDevelopmentCourse #AndroidRoomExample #AppDevelopmentTutorial #JetpackComponents #AndroidRoomCrud #SharedPreferencesInAndroid #KotlinAndroidDevelopment #AdvancedAndroidDevelopment #SQLiteTutorial #AndroidJetpackComponents #AndroidRoomArchitecture #KotlinForAndroid #KotlinProgrammingLanguage #MobileDevelopment #AppDevelopment #DatabaseDesign #AndroidCodeLab #AndroidApp


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