How to Fix Office Chair from Sinking GuruBrew CRF TIP


Does your favorite chair move (drop) down towards the floor as you sit on it over time. If it does and you constantly need to keep adjusting it then the pneumatic cylinder is more than likely worn out. You can replace the cylinder or use this method shown here to get the job done. Doing so will fix the chair height so that is no longer adjustable using the handle but will never move down on you again. It only takes a few minutes and some free or cheap bits. • Fix Sinking Office Chair • Many people have asked me to put up a donation link, so here it is. If you feel that we have helped you in some way, I am open to accepting donations to the channel. Your donation received will be put back into the channels production efforts. Thank You! • GuruBrew Paypal Link: • The Guru Brew is a weekly entertainment show that is posted on the internet every Saturday with a frequent bonus upload on Wednesday. Our videos are mainly aimed at subjects like science, computers and technology and everything gadget related (we love gadgets). Our aim is to present these video lessons and demonstrations in a very simple, easy to understand way that any novice can grasp. Please join us as we document our techie adventures where something fun and new is always brewing. • You are invited to subscribe to our YouTube channel at no charge so that you will notified by email when a new video is published and available to view.    / gurubrew   • Music Courtesy of • Visit us on the web at: • Have a question to ask the Brew? • *Our Second Channel    / gurubrew2   • *Twitter:   / gurubrewshow   • *Facebook:   / guru.brew  


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