Basilisk Lizards quotJesus Lizardquot Encountered in Miami Florida


An afternoon encounter with Basilisk lizards, also known as Jesus Lizard, [due to the fact that they can run across water with their web feet], in Miami. These two long-tailed friends were just hanging out in a parking lot on a cloudy afternoon. Usually the area is full of the Norther Curly Tailed lizards, but that's on a sunny day. • These lizards are also not native to Florida. They are native to areas in Central and South America, predominantly in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Belize. • Experts report that these lizards, along with other non-native lizards such as the Norther Curly Tailed lizards and the Knight Anole, [just to name a couple] that have spread all throughout South Florida, provide a level of threat to the local wildlife and other native species. • Doesn't help that so many people is South Florida release their reptile pets into the wild once their are done taking [or not] care of them. • Check out the Norther Curly Tailed Lizards in Miami, here •    • Northern Curly Tailed Lizards in Miam...   • Check out the Knight Anole in South Florida, here    • Large Green Lizard - Knight Anole in ...  


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