Neural Foraminal Stenosis NonSurgical Relief Here


What does this actually mean? • It is a finding on MRI's that we see a whole lot of. It is very common when dealing with disc injuries and conditions and something we specialize in treating in our office. • Let's break down exactly what this means, it is actually pretty straight forward, just doctors using some fancy words to sound smart - lol. • so , 3 words. • 1. Neural - this is another word for nerve. • 2. Foraminal - This is another word for the opening where the nerve passes through. • 3. Stenosis - fancy word for narrowing. • so we have • Neural = Nerve • Foraminal = Opening • Stenosis = Narrowing. • In other words, the hole where the nerve exits out of is narrowed. • This is typically because the actual spinal disc is being compressed and pressing upon the spinal nerve which is causing the pain. • We often see this with low back, neck pain and sciatica pain. • NSSD, Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is designed to treat the exact cause of this problem, by de-compressing the spinal disc, which removes the pressure on the spinal nerve and allows the disc to once again receive water, oxygen and nutrients it is unable to receive in a compressed state. • By this way, we are treating the actual cause of the problem rather than just trying to reduce the symptoms with drugs, injections, surgery or other therapies. • With spinal decompression therapy, all motion is computer-controlled to provide gentle treatment of injured spinal discs. Decompression techniques separate slowly and cycle between brief moments of pulling and relaxing. As a result, the entire treatment remains pain-free. High success rates with spinal decompression therapy lead many to prefer it to invasive back surgery, spinal injections and pain medications. Call our office today to learn more and see if you’re a candidate for this highly successful treatment! • #pinchednerve, #pinchednerves, #pinchednervehelp, #pinchednerverelief, #pinchednervetreatment, #pinchednervepain, #pinchednerveinmyneck, #pinchednerveinlowerback, #neuralstenosis, #neuralforaminalstenosis, #neuralforaminalstenosistreatment, #nervecompression ,#spinalnervecompression, #pinchednerve, #pinchednervehelp, #pinchednervetreatment, #pinchednervetherap,y #neuralcompression, #neuralcompressionhelp,


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