How to Use the MR4 LaserStim Super Pulsed Laser
The LaserStim's TARGET technology requires proper scanning technique in order to find areas to treat. • --Find out more info or Request a Quote or Demo: • 0:00-1:36 Using the LaserStim • 1:37-2:25 Advantages • • Video Transcript: • Let's talk about how to get the most out of your LaserStim emitter. So to begin a treatment, we're going to press the Stim button up six or eight times, get close to the skin, turn the laser on, and make contact. • Now it's important to note, if you have poor contact or broken contact, you'll see that your green and red light is blinking back and forth. When we have good contact, it switches to a blinking green. If you run across an area that was bony or to accidentally break contact, you'd get an indication here. • When we locate an area that needs to be treated, we'll note that the green light will turn to red and we'll hear an audible tone. It's important to scan nice and slowly and give the equipment time to use the interactive biofeedback to locate the areas that need to be treated. • Here we see a demonstration: it's beeped, the indicator light is turned to red. We lift the emitter, set it back down over the exact same spot, and wait for the treatment to conclude. When I noticed that this green light is turned back to red again, the treatment will be ended, we'll lift and look for other areas. • Here we see an indication treatment is concluded, red light is blinking. We lift and continue to scan the area. Once you cover the area of the patients' complaint or involvement, turn the emitter off and return your LaserStim to zero. • There are quite a few advantages in using the MR4 LaserStim as well. In most cases, you're having to rely on a Protocol Manual to look up how many minutes you should treat for shoulder condition or neck. Using the LaserStim allows you to really target your treatments for the specific condition. • You might have a patient who comes in who has a really hot shoulder and they've got a lot of trouble. They're going to need more photons in the very beginning. As you begin to treat the patient or they're improving, of course they're going to need less treatment. • The LaserStim allows you to tailor that treatment to exactly what the patient needs at that time, on that visit, so you're not in danger of overtreating and you're not going to waste time by overtreating as well. It almost allows you to throw your Protocol Manuals out insofar as how long you're going to treat a particular condition.