Why Aeration Process in Wastewater Treatment is Required
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Aeration is that engineering process by which air is circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance. • In coming days water is the most valuable liquid on the earth. • Aeration treatment of sewage plays the most important role to recover some extra water for reuse. • Below information will give you some insight of Aeration, which required in sewage or wastewater treatment. • So, Here is the Detail Guide on Wastewater or Sewage Treatment • What is Sewage? • So, the Sewage is the main liquid waste containing some solids produced by humans which typically consists of washing water, laundry waste, and other material. • This wastewater goes down drains and toilets from households and industry. • What is Sewage Treatment? • It is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and household sewage. • Hence it includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. • How is Sewage treated? • Conventional sewage treatment involves primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. • In primary treatment, sewage is held in a quiescent basin where heavy solids can settle to the bottom while oil, grease and lighter solids float to the surface. • The settled and floating materials are removed and the remaining liquid may be discharged or subjected to secondary treatment. • In secondary treatment, dissolved and suspended biological matters are removed by anaerobic or aerobic digestion. • It requires a separation process to remove the micro-organisms from the treated water prior to discharge or tertiary treatment. • In Tertiary treatment, Treated water is disinfected chemically or physically prior to discharge into a river, lagoon, sea or it can be used for the irrigation. • What is Aerobic Digestion? • Aerobic digestion is a bacterial process occurring in the presence of oxygen. • Under aerobic conditions, bacteria rapidly consume organic matter and convert it into carbon dioxide. • Aerobic digestion can also be achieved by using jet aerators to oxidize the sludge. • What is Sludge? • Sludge refers to the residual, semi-solid material left from industrial wastewater or sewage treatment processes. • It can also refer to the settled suspension obtained from conventional drinking water treatment and other industrial processes. • What is activated sludge? • Activated sludge is a process dealing with the treatment of sewage and industrial wastewaters. • The goal is to remove as much solid organic material from the wastewater as possible. • What is the mean by Aeration? • Aeration is the process by which air is circulated through or mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or sludge. • It is the process of adding oxygen to sludge or sewage. • Why is Aeration needed? • The purpose of Aeration is to reduce the amount of organic matter and the number of disease-causing microorganisms present in the sludge. • Hence Aeration provides a way to help clean up sludge and improve sludge quality. • What is sludge activation process? • The activated sludge process is a biochemical process in which aerobic bacteria consume the organic pollutants in wastewater. • Since the bacteria are aerobic, their efficiency of consumption is very dependent upon the amount of available oxygen dissolved in the liquid sludge. • What is the purpose of Aeration? • So, the purpose of aeration is to reduce the amount of organic matter and the number of disease-causing microorganisms present in the sludge. • Aeration is the improvement of the physical and chemical characteristics of sludge for other purification process or disposal or waters for public supply. • Primarily, this improvement involves the reduction of objectionable odors of sludge. • Aeration can help to keep up with the demand for dissolved oxygen. • Aeration increases the level of dissolved oxygen so normal biological processes in sludge can become balanced. • What are the advantages of aeration? • 01) Improve overall sludge quality. • 02) Speed up the rate of organic decomposition. • 03) Reduce the amount of phosphorus, which would otherwise be available for the growth of unwanted matter. • 04) Decrease the severity of algae blooms. • 05) Shift the level of carbon dioxide by venting it into the air. • For complete detail on Aeration Visit, https://goo.gl/4EHd5d • Get the Best Engineering Books at BIG DISCOUNT, Click Here, https://www.engihub.com • Also, like us on / bestengineeringhub