The name of God discovered in over 227 manuscripts


As of today, we have over 227 early Hebrew manuscripts with the full vowels for the name of God – YeHoVaH (YHVH). The name of God is mentioned 6,827 times in the Hebrew Bible. It is mentioned more than Lord, God, or El Shaddai. But why is His name now revealed? Why has access to these manuscripts now available? And, what does that mean for the end times and this generation? (Episode 3) • • Michael Rood welcomes Nehemia Gordon. Nehemia is a scholar from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has worked as a translator on the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a researcher deciphering ancient Hebrew manuscripts. His discovery of the name of God with the vowel points has provided the world the true name of God – Yehovah. • • Find us on Facebook:   / michael.j.rood   • Follow us on Twitter:   / michaelrood   • Watch all videos on:


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