BiPAP Video

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • BIPAP Video • This is an example of the BIPAP machine. And here is a BIPAP mask that has a pressure release valve as a safety feature and opens when excess of pressure builds up in the mask to allow the patient to breathe environmental air. • This is a fitting wheel that is used to determine the optimal face mask size for the patient. It fits over the bridge of the nose and you want to cover the entire mouth. • Here the mask is being connected to the patient with a head strap. The optimal patient for a BIPAP inhalation is an alert, cooperative patient who has minimal secretions. • Here the head strap is being fastened to the face mask on the right side, as is demonstrated here. Now, the top portion of the mask will be attached to the head strap. This top portion can have fine adjustments in or out, up or down to optimize patient comfort. • Here the BIPAP tubing is connected to the patient and has the carbon dioxide release valve. That should be directed away from the patient. The initial BIPAP settings are an inspiratory positive airway pressure or IPAP of 10, and expiratory positive airway pressure or EPAP of five. And an initial respiratory rate with a minimum rate of four. These are actual values that you see here. • And you can see the patient is breathing with a tidal volume of approximately 1,200 milliliters, a minute ventilation of 15 liters per minute, and has a peak inspiratory pressure measured at 11 centimeters of water. It also shows a very small air leak of five liters a minute which is negligible. • We can now increase the inspiratory time, increasing the inspiratory time will improve oxygenation. And you can see that the patient is tolerating the BIPAP ventilation quite well with a good respiratory rate and no increased work of breathing. • You can also adjust the rise time, which is the rate of air flow. This can be adjusted anywhere from a low of .05 seconds which is shown here up to .4 seconds and adjusted for patient comfort. • We're now increasing the inspiratory positive airway pressure to 13 centimeters of water, and the expiratory positive airway to 7 centimeters of water. The EPAP is similar to the PEEP, or positive end-expiratory pressure, and keeps alveoli open. Alarms are set on the machine with a low pressure alarm if the tubing becomes disconnected. [Alarm going off.] There is the alarm. • You can also set a high pressure alarm to detect if the tubing or mass is obstructed, an apnea alarm, a minute ventilation alarm if the minute ventilation drops below a certain level, and a respiratory rate alarm if the respiratory rate is too high or too low.


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