Top 20 Best Netflix Documentaries to Watch Now
50 years of excellence and integrity in documentary filmmaking with Bill Hader and Fred Armisen. For more Documentary Now!: • Subscribe to IFC to see clips, behind the scenes, web exclusives, and more!: • This summer, IFC’s newest original comedy series Documentary Now! will lovingly parody some of the world’s best-known documentaries. Dame Helen Mirren (The Queen, The Audience) serves as host of this six part series, lending the gravitas that documentaries of this caliber so rightly deserve. Starring Fred Armisen and Bill Hader, each episode is shot in a different style of documentary filmmaking, and honors some of the most important stories that didn't actually happen. • The Always On, Slightly Off hub for movies, comedy, and IFC originals. • More from IFC: • Official IFC Website: • Like IFC: / ifc • Follow IFC: / ifctv • IFC Google+: IFC is the home of offbeat, unexpected comedies. Original series Portlandia, Documentary Now!, Brockmire and the upcoming Sherman’s Showcase air alongside fan-favorite movies and comedic cult TV shows. IFC is owned and operated by AMC Networks Inc., and available across multiple platforms. IFC is Always On Slightly Off.