Saenchai Best of a Generation Training amp Fight Highlight Muay Thai
A training and fight highlight of the best Muay Thai fighter of his generation - Saenchai. • Saenchai PK SaenchaiMuayThaiGym is a fighter who consistently fights the best Thais above his optimal weight class and is still able to make them look average. He has proved himself to be the best pound-for-pound Muay Thai fighter for several years and is still going strong at the age of 36. • The secret to his longevity is his style; he is such a slick technician that he rarely gets hit and is able to take fight after fight without taking any serious damage. • Saenchai's style and charisma in the ring are unmistakable; he is always ready to put on a show for the crowd and has fun in all of his fights. • Although he is one of the most famous fighters on the planet, he still hasn't got the credit he deserves outside of the Thailand scene. He is, without a doubt, one of the best of all time. • Saenchai Sor Kingstar | Saenchai Sor Khamsing | Saenchai Sinbi Muay Thai | Saenchai PK Saenchai | Sanchai Highlight #muaythai #saenchai #martialarts • Training footage edited from Top of Thailand documentary • TOP OF THAILAND part II • Facebook: / muaythaischolar • Twitter: / muaythaischolar • Instagram: / muaythaischolar • Music: • Stellardrone - Night Sky in Motion / stellardrone-the-night-sky-in-motion • Stellardrone - Breathe in the Light / stellardrone-breathe-in-the-light • Creative Commons License