Hilarious Hiney Wine Commercial Laugh Out Loud with Our Winery Comedy
TV commercial for the HINEY WINERY that has Harry Hiney and Seymour Hiney talking about what they like to put in their Hiney. Meant for late-night TV.
Beverage, aroma, alcoholic, balance, bottle, cellar, almaden, bordeaux, barbera, Joke, Comedy, Spoof, Sketch, Alcohol, Beer, Drinking, Girls, Radio, Rick, Dees, can, derriere, chardonnay, cabernet, pinot, merlot, burgundy, bartles, Commercial, drinking, drunk, hilarious, cute, booze, blooper, prank, tasting, claret, zinfandel, reisling, winery, rump, parody, funny, crazy, KIIS, WHYI, Footy, KSCS, KPLX, KISS, Gay, Butt, Posterior, Sex, Rear, End, Buttocks, Fanny, Naked, Bare, Nude, Head, Booty, Terry, Dorsey, screw, ram, breasts, nudity, porn, porno, intercourse