Schamanenmusik Schamanische Musik Panflöte Indianer in Peru
SCHAMANISCHE MUSIK with Indian panflute and soft sounds to relax, think and concentrate. This 1-hour music by Indians from Peru invites you to relax and unwind. Let yourself be enchanted by these shamanic sounds. • The 5 steps of this music • Level I - Basic • We introduce you to the world view of the traditional shamans, which extends over three levels with different qualities. With the help of the shamanic drum journey each participant of the seminar gets to know his power animal and other spiritual helpers who are available for certain aspects of shamanic healing. • Stage II - Healing Procedures • We present ancient diagnostic procedures for the detection of energetic blockades and spiritual illnesses and set with the help of extraction procedures and other energetic systems healing impulses for holistic recovery. Implementation of circular healing rituals. • Stage III - Soul retrieval • The shamanic view of the world and modern psychology recognize that in difficult phases of life we can lose parts of our souls. With them also personal strengths and qualities are lost, which we no longer have access to. In this section of the training we teach shamanic techniques with which we go in search of a lost soul part. Carefully we bring it back to its owner , a process that represents for each participant an important step on the way to his own inner wholeness. • Stage IV - Nature Beings • At power places we establish contact to the nature beings, to the elements fire, water, air and earth and feel ourselves. • Stage V - The journey to the inside • With the help of our spiritual allies and the techniques learned, this section of the seminar leads us to our inner self. We go on a journey to the primal wound and transform it into strength. And we will deal with the process of dying and death as it presents itself from a shamanic point of view. • Level VI - Vision Quest • At the end of the seminar series we go on a shamanic vision search. We get an insight into the reality of our soul and its mission for our life. • This seminar enables the participants to apply the shown methods for themselves, for others and for the healing of Mother Earth. Each participant will receive detailed documentation and a certificate of successful participation in the methods of shamanic healing. • Source: • Thank you so much for listening to this music. Follow us for more music for spirit and soul: • Translated with