Imperator Rome Military Reworked
Time for the first proper Invictus campaign and as per the vote we will be playing as Cyrenaica. The plan is to go through all of their missions trees and see where that leaves us. Not sure how long this will take as I (as per usual) haven't looked into what they entail. • We will also be playing in the new beta patch as well. Shouldn't really impact much I think (Although we might be rid of those pesky prisoners abroad modifiers at least) although there is always the possibility that we run into some unexptected bugs. • As always, hope you enjoy! • Playlist: • Imperator: Rome Invictus - Cyrenaica • • Imperator: Rome • Copyright © 2019 Paradox Interactive AB. • Thumbnail image by chenspec from Pixabay ( • #Fungusen #ImperatorRome #strategy