KoolAid Frozen ICEE CUPS My Childhood to Adulthood Summertime Favorite



Kool-Aid Frozen ICEE CUPS ~ My Childhood to Adulthood Summertime Favorite • Please Subscribe, Comment, Like Share • I am sharing a All time favorite of myself my kids.. Well heck, EVERYONE I know that really love Icee Cups. If you are running low on money, looking for something Cheap Affordable to make your kids in the Summertime, I will definitely recommend making some Frozen Icee Cups. All you need is some Foam Cups.. 4 Ingredients.. Lemon Juice, Kool-Aid Packets, Sugar Water.. that’s it.. Once I made these, I placed them on Cookie Sheets so that they would accidentally tip over while in the freezer, left them in the freezer overnight.. that’s it, The Best Frozen Dessert or Treat you can make for your kids Family. My Aunt Gma also use to sell these to the neighborhood kids for a Quarter from their Candy Store.... they sold out Daily lol.. They had Freeze Pops for 10 cents, Icee Cups, the Icee Cups sold out so quickly.. So much, that they made tons the night before also bought another freezer, so that they would have enough room, place them in their Basements! The good Ole Days as I can truly remember them… I actually tear up when I make these, because back then, while helping my Aunt Gma was so much fun.. • I hope y’all give them a try.. • Enjoy • HOW TO MAKE • KOOL-AID: • ********** • 1 Quart of Water • Look-Aid Packets • 1 Cup of Sugar (Add what you want) • 1/2 Cup of Real Lemon Lemon Juice • Foam Cups • #oldskoolIceeCups #koolaidfrozeniceecups #chicagostyleiceecups #iceecups #frozeniceecups


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