Manly P Hall The World Soul Under Stress


The World Soul Under Stress was a live lecture by Manly Palmer Hall, on March 15, 1981- 3 days before his 80th birthday. As Hall so often does, he makes the correlation between things in the outer world and those in our inner lives. Polluting the air and water on earth is no different than polluting our minds and souls with poison ideas and emotions. What we do to the world, we do to ourselves. • *This recording wasn't the best quality to begin with, but we were able to improve the listening quality significantly. The transcript, or CC Subtitles, has been conformed to the edited print version, called Lecture Note 274. Hall would have either made the edits or improved them before publication. It is interesting to hear his spoken voice and read the written word - almost one and the same. • Thank you for listening and for your support. • MPH 810315 World Soul Stress • #stress #soul #manlyphall • ©Manly Hall Society


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