Sonic Adventure 2 Modernized Hero Story Playthrough 2K60FPS
#SonicAdventure2 #Modern #Mods • This is a Full Playthrough of the Hero's story in Sonic Adventure 2. It uses the Modern SA2: Cinematic Edition mod which you can download here. • • This changes a ton of textures and music as well. Even the stories will have different music and adjusted voice volumes! • So I didn't realized the hud is suppose to be different until after I recorded. I had the hud mod enabled, but It didn't do anything, most likely cause of the ordering of my mods. It basically just makes the life and ring art looks more modern like. I will look into getting it working for the next part. • I also used a HD chao garden mod, which is separate from this mod. • Sonic Adventure 2 Mod | HD Sonic and ... • I also used a code which makes the radar blink on all 3 emeralds I thought this fit in well for the modern theme. • Anyways I hope you guys enjoy, this took forever to upload. Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to support this video. :p Dark side's story will be coming soon.