Liver cancer symptoms in Hindi Liver cancer ke lakshan
Metastasis is a word used to describe the spread of cancer. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells have the ability to grow outside of the place in the body where they originated. When this happens, it is called metastatic cancer. Nearly all types of cancer have the ability to metastasize, but whether they do depends on a variety of individual factors. Metastases can occur in three ways: • 1. They can grow directly into the tissue surrounding the tumor; • 2. Cells can travel through the bloodstream to distant locations; or • 3. Cells can travel through the lymph system to nearby or distant lymph nodes. • Common sites of metastasis • The most common sites for cancers to metastasize include the brain, bones, lungs and liver. Other places can include the adrenal gland, lymph nodes, skin and other organs • Sometimes, a metastasis will be found without a known primary cancer. • In this situation, an extensive search is done to look for the primary cancer source. If none can be found, it is considered a case of cancer of unknown primary (CUPS). • #TheHealthcareToday, • #MetastaticCancer, • #DrPriyaTiwari, • #Cancer, • #PrimaryCancer, • #LymphNodes, • #Tumor, • #ArtemisHospitals, • • CONTACT US.. • Email : [email protected] • Mobile : +91 9990005599 • Customer Care : +91 9953023767