Praktis Dengan Teflon Resep Ayam Panggang Madu Ala Restoran Charsiu


**English description is at the bottom section.** • Matikan subtitle: Settings - Subtitle/CC - Off • 00:00 : intro • 00:47 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients) • 05:25 : mulai memanggang (start of cook) • 08:53 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (dish is ready to plate and serve) • =================== • [INDONESIAN] • Ayam Panggang Madu atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Ayam Charsiu identik dengan citarasa oriental karena menggunakan bahan-bahan seperti angciu, bubuk ngohiong, dan minyak wijen. Kali ini aku mau share resep masakan ala restoran chinese, Ayam Panggang Madu yang berwarna merah. Di sini aku menggunakan angkak untuk menghasilkan warna merah dan menambah aroma pada masakan. Cocok banget sebagai menu spesial bersama keluarga untuk merayakan Imlek. • Resep Garlic Oil:    • Wangi Anti Pahit! Resep Garlic Oil Ta...   • Resep Ayam Panggang Madu • Bahan: • 500 gr paha ayam fillet • 10 siung bawang putih • 2 cm jahe • 2 sdt bubuk ngohiong • 1 sdm kecap manis • 1 sdm saus tiram • 1 sdt minyak wijen • 2 sdm angciu • 2 sdm madu • 1 sdm angkak • Lainnya: • Minyak goreng secukupnya • Air secukupnya • Tepung maizena secukupnya • Gula, garam, dan penyedap / kaldu jamur sesuai selera • Garlic oil • Daun ketumbar (untuk garnish) • Langkah: • 1. Haluskan bawang putih dan jahe, saring ampasnya • 2. Masukkan kembali air perasan bawang putih dan jahe ke blender, bersamaan dengan angkak, madu, angciu, saus tiram, kecap manis, dan bubuk ngohiong, lalu haluskan • 3. Campurkan bumbu halus dengan ayam, marinasi selama 3-8 jam • 4. Tiriskan ayam dari bumbu marinasi atau keringkan menggunakan paper towel, lalu olesi dengan minyak • 5. Panggang ayam di oven dengan suhu 210 derajat selama 7 menit, lalu olesi dengan bumbu marinasi, panggang kembali selama 5 menit • 6. Atau panggang menggunakan teflon. Panaskan teflon di api sedang. Masukkan sedikit minyak. Panggang ayam hingga luarnya kering, dalamnya matang dan tidak gosong • 7. Buat sausnya. Panaskan pan, masukkan air dan bumbu marinasinya, masak hingga mendidih. Bumbui dengan gula, garam, dan penyedap / kaldu jamur. Tambahkan larutan maizena sedikit demi sedikit hingga saus mengental • 8. Sajikan Ayam Panggang Madu dengan nasi putih, saus marinasi, dan garlic oil • =================== • [ENGLISH] • Easy with Teflon: Honey Roasted Chicken a la Restaurant Recipe • Honey Roasted Chicken a.k.a. Char Siu Chicken is known for its oriental flavors as it uses ingredients like red yeast rice, five-spice, and sesame oil. This time, I'm sharing a Chinese-style dish, the red Honey Roasted Chicken. Here, I'm using red yeast rice to reproduce the red color and to add some aroma to the dish. This special dish is great to be enjoyed for Chinese New Year with your family. • Garlic Oil Recipe:    • Wangi Anti Pahit! Resep Garlic Oil Ta...   • Honey Roasted Chicken Recipe • Ingredients: • 500 g chicken thigh fillet • 10 clove garlic • 1 inch ginger • 2 tsp five-spice powder • 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce • 1 tbsp oyster sauce • 1 tsp sesame oil • 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine • 2 tbsp honey • 1 tbsp red yeast rice • Others: • Cooking oil as needed • Water as needed • Cornstarch as needed • Sugar, salt, and flavor enhancers / mushroom stock powder to taste • Garlic Oil • Coriander leaves (for garnish) • Steps: • 1. Blend the garlic and ginger, strain the residue. • 2. Add the garlic and ginger liquid back to the blender with red yeast rice, honey, cooking wine, oyster sauce, and five-spice powder. Blend. • 3. Add the marinating liquid to the chicken. Marinate for 3 - 8 hours. • 4. Drain the chicken from the marinating liquid or pat dry with a paper towel. Rub with oil. • 5. Roast the chicken in the oven at 210°C for about 7 minutes, then rub with the marinating liquid and roast it again for 5 minutes. • 6. If using Teflon, heat the pan on medium heat. Add a bit of oil and pan-sear the chicken until the surface is dry and it's cooked inside without burning. • 7. To make the sauce, heat the pan. Add some water and the marinating liquid. Bring to a boil. Season with sugar, salt, and flavor enhancers / mushroom stock powder. Add the cornstarch mix bit by bit until the sauce thickens. • 8. Serve Honey Roasted Chicken with rice, the marinating sauce, and Garlic Oil. • =================== • Official Site: • • Instagram: •   / devinahermawan   • Business inquiries: [email protected] • #ResepAyamCharsiu #ResepAyamPanggangOven #ResepAyamBakarMadu #ResepAyamPanggangTeflon #ResepAyamPanggangKecap #ResepAyamBakarTeflon #ResepAyamMerah #ResepChineseFood #MakananKhasImlek #ChickenCharsiu #AyamPanggangMadu #CaraMembuatAyamBakar #MasterchefIndonesia #DevinaHermawan


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