NEIL MELANSON K Control Cross Grip Triangle


NEIL MELANSON: K Control Cross Grip Triangle • MASTERING TRIANGLE CHOKES: Ground Marshal Submission Grappling [ILLUSTRATED BOOK] • By Neil Melanson • • ^^^ BUY NOW ^^^ • In Mastering Triangle Chokes, Neil Melanson takes you deep into the grappling rabbit hole and teaches you how to apply the devastating triangle choke submission in virtually any scenario from your guard. Unlike other grappling instructional manuals, Mastering Triangle Chokes is not a random compilation of techniques. It is a detailed system that teaches you how to capitalize on your opponent's body position and direction of movement. It gives you a chess-like strategy for anticipating your opponent's counters, allowing you to remain two steps ahead and shut down all possible escape routes. With more than 2,000 color photos and descriptive narrative, Mastering Triangle Chokes is the most complete tome ever written on the art of the triangle choke. • • ---- Michael Stets from MMA --------------------------------- • A fantastic soup to nuts book, made for the novice or for the expert on all the different ways to land the well-known submission, from various guard systems and positions. Many of which Melanson has developed himself, like K-Control, Irish Collar and the Shoulder Pin series. • The book comes in at just under 300 pages, and features full illustrations on every move, with explanations and an introduction for each chapter. There is a theme to the whole book and that is the concept of fighting the body position with the correct guard system. Every bit of information within it is detailed and easy to discern. This was a huge goal to finish the Triangle/Guard grappler companion, and it took years to accomplish. • • ---- NEIL MELANSON --------------------------------- • I'm very, very happy with the book, Melanson said. It took forever to do. When I first started the book it was going to be small book. There was a lot of stuff I was going to through in it, but I was setting it up to do another book, a guard systems book. But basically in the Triangle book I was going to touch on the guard systems a little bit, but I was really just going to do just triangles. As the process went on it was requiring so much time and energy. I met with the owner of Victory Belt, Erich Krauss and I said screw the second book and I'm going to combine it all and I'm just going to make this triangle book something that's studied, regardless if it's now, or 10 years from now. I wanted to do it right. • If you buy this book, you are going to see a lot of great techniques (sample here) and you are going to see a lot of great systems. It is going to make a big difference, but what I really want is people to read it. Read the chapter introductions because I cram nothing but knowledge in there. I wanted people not just to look through and say 'that's a cool set up, that was worth buying the book.' I want them to learn it because to me this is the one contribution I wanted to make to the sport. Stuff that I know really well that I never hear other coaches talk about. • You are going to see a lot of the guard systems come out of this book that people aren't really familiar with. Like K-control is one of my favorite open-guard systems. These are systems that I use ... everything in the book is going to be based on something that you can translate into an MMA situation. That was one of the biggest things I focused on because I was always rolling around with MMA guys when I first started. I had to adjust things because I was getting beat up on the bottom. For me I always had to find a way to win and I realized that you can't play one system all the time, you have to adjust based on how your opponent is playing you. To do that you have to be able to read them right. That was the whole basis of the book: how to read your opponent and adjust your system based on how he's playing you, and by doing that you can actually use that to protect yourself, attack, and trick him by off balancing him into the system you want to use the most. • ---- NEIL MELANSON --------------------------------- • • ^^^BUY NOW^^^ • MASTERING TRIANGLE CHOKES: Ground Marshal Submission Grappling [ILLUSTRATED BOOK] • By Neil Melanson


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