Monteverdi Madrigali Libri III amp IV
Composer: Claudio Monteverdi • Artist: Le Nuove Musiche • Krijn Koetsveld (artistic leader) • Tracklist below. • Online purchase or streaming (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, Deezer, Google Play): • More Information: • Spotify: • Facebook: / brilliantclassics • Le Nuove Musiche, led by acclaimed director Krijn Koetsveld, continue with their exceptional series of Claudio Monteverdi’s complete madrigals. Following on from Books V VI (BC93799), and Book VII (BC94980), released in December 2015, they turn their attention to Books III IV. At this stage of Monteverdi’s career, he was at a turning point, something that comes across quite clearly in his compositions. In the more traditional works, he gives a clear nod to his teacher Marc’Antonio Ingegneri, as he demonstrates his ability to write in the declamatory Renaissance style. Where Monteverdi sets himself apart, however, is when he demonstrates his ability to match the tender lyrics to sound. O come è gran martire, ‘O what suffering it is’, is a perfect illustration of this, as the mournfully drawn-out ‘O’ immediately captures the listener’s attention, forcing us to appreciate the lover’s lament. He repeats this device in Vattene pur crudel, when Armida’s distressed cry of loneliness soars above the other lines: her rage at having been abandoned by her lover consumes the piece. Monteverdi straddles the Renaissance and the Baroque, and this comes to the fore especially in these two exciting books of madrigals. • Le Nuove Musiche’s approach to Monteverdi is an innovative one: to bring the past into the present, keeping alive the questions of the Renaissance that still permeate our musical landscape today, while seeking to maintain the highest standards of performance authenticity. Their release of Books V VI garnered excellent reviews, including five stars in the French magazine Diapason. • 00:00:00 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: La giovinetta pianta, SV 60 • 00:03:18 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: O come è gran martire, SV 61 • 00:06:14 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Sovra tenere erbette e bianchi fiori, SV 62 • 00:09:21 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: O dolce anima mia, dunque è pur vero, SV 63 • 00:12:43 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Stracciami pur il core,SV 64 • 00:16:06 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: O rossignuol che in queste verdi fronde, SV 65 • 00:20:04 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Se per estremo ardore, SV 66 • 00:23:08 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Vattene pur, crudel, con quella pace, SV 67 • 00:25:11Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Là tra ’l sangue e le morti egro giacente, SV 67 • 00:27:37 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Poi ch’ella in sé tornò, deserto e muto, SV 65 • 00:30:38 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: O primavera, gioventú de l’anno, SV 68 • 00:33:21 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Perfidissimo volto, SV 69 • 00:36:44 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Ch’io non t’ami, cor mio, SV 70 • 00:40:26 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Occhi, un tempo mia vita, SV 71 • 00:43:17 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Vivrò fra i miei tormenti e le mie cure, SV 72 • 00:44:57 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Ma dove, o lasso me, dove restaro, SV 72 • 00:47:36 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Io pur verrò là dove sete, e voi, SV 72 • 00:49:54 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Lumi, miei cari lumi, SV 73 • 00:52:20 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Rimanti in pace, SV 74 • 00:55:50 Madrigals, Book 3, SV 60-74: Ond’ei di morte la sua faccia impressa, SV 74 • 00:59:22 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Ah dolente partita, SV 75 • 01:02:52 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Cor mio, mentre vi miro, SV 76 • 01:04:45 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Cor mio, non mori? E mori, SV 77 • 01:07:19 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Sfogava con le stelle, SV 78 • 01:10:00 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Volgea l’anima mia soavemente, SV 79 • 01:13:07 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Anima mia, perdona, SV 80a • 01:15:37 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Che se tu se’ il cor mio, SV 80b • 01:17:59 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Luci serene e chiare, SV 81 • 01:21:05 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: La piaga c’ho nel core, SV 82 • 01:23:03 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Voi pur da me partite, anima dura, SV 83 • 01:26:10 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: A un giro sol de bell’occhi lucent, SV 84 • 01:28:33 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Ohimé, se tanto amate, SV 85 • 01:30:53 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Io mi son giovinetta, SV 86 • 01:33:33 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Quell’augellin che canta, SV 87 • 01:35:52 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Non piú guerra, pietate, SV 88 • 01:38:23 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Sí ch’io vorrei morire, SV 89 • 01:41:20 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Anima dolorosa che vivendo, SV 90 • 01:43:49 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Anima del cor mio, SV 91 • 01:45:53 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Longe da te, cor mio, SV 92 • 01:48:01 Madrigals, Book 4, SV 75-93: Piagne e sospira, SV 93