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Full playthrough of Parappa's campaign with cool mode freestyling. Game has been modded to run in widescreen, with the best graphical options I could figure out in ePSXe. I've basically tried to recreate what a 'remastered' version of the game would look like. The cutscenes have been processed with Waifu2x to improve the quality, and an HD overlay has been added to the rock/rap meter. • I put Stage 1 last on this video because it's really glitchy, since you can only access it with Gameshark cheats. Wouldn't want the first thing people see to be footage of a broken-looking game and close the video immediately haha • Join as a member: • Patreon (monthly support): / phizzy • PayPal (one-off donations): • Please consider donating to support the channel. • I have recordings of Parappa Lammy playthroughs on both good cool modes recorded in this quality. You can find them on this playlist: • • Parappa the Rapper Remastered (PS4) -... • Chapter listing: • 0:00 Intro Cutscenes • 1:48 Stage 2: Fire Fire!! • 5:39 Stage 3: Baby Baby!! • 8:46 Stage 4: Fright Flight!! • 12:42 Stage 5: Power Off! Power On! • 16:00 Stage 6: Taste Of Teriyaki • 19:18 Stage 7: Got To Move! • 24:12 Stage 1: I Am A Master And You! • 26:39 Outro