What is Art Therapy and How it Works

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Originally presented: Friday, March 12, 2021 • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence based therapy designed to increase psychological flexibility through the use of acceptance skills, #mindfulness strategies, and commitment and behavioral change planning. This presentation is designed to give therapists and counselors practical skills and strategies to help young people increase overall psychological flexibility and live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to them. Dr. Hopkins will emphasize developmental considerations to the core components of ACT. • At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees should be able to describe Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and its core components using age appropriate language to kids and their families, adapt ACT metaphors and tools to a younger population, and increase openness to experiential exercises. • About the presenter: • Rachel Hopkins, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist with broad interests in providing therapy and assessment for anxiety and mood disorders, trauma and bereavement, behavioral dysregulation, and family systems issues across the lifespan. Dr. Hopkins is presently the Program Director for UCEBT's Anxiety and Mood Team and enjoys providing supervision and consultation to trainees and other therapists, particularly in further developing ACT expertise. • https://ucebt.com/ • https://ucebt.com/about-us/primary-st... • #ucebt #utah #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #therapy #therapyworks #psychology #psychologyfacts #mindset #Mindfulness #mentalhealthishealth #clinicalpsychology #clinicalpsychologist #acceptanceandcommitmenttherapy #ACT #therapists #behavioral #metaphors #childpsychology


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