Narnia lullaby Native American style drone flute cover


Alright folks! Here is the longer version of the Narnian Lullaby without the messup and interruption by the boys in blue! Enjoy 😉 • Picture the setting.. 5:30am. 40 feet below the #busy streets of #minneapolis The sounds of the city, cars, machines,lights and the wail of sirens pierce the early morning chill. A lone figure emerges from the darkness. He is clad in the garb of a construction worker. Hardhat,glasses and high-viz along with steel toed boots(osha requirement) . A burly bearded man with the tough look of an experienced Ironworker,not a bit of kindness in him. Then suddenly you see what looks like a walking stick in his hand come to his mouth and you a beautiful melody. The coldness of the city is pushed back by the warm soothing tune coming from this unexpected source. You hear the call for peace,a rush of warmth floods you and you finally relax, your inner demons quelled as you soak in the tranquility brought by this stranger in hi-viz. Now take that and share with the world.


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