Masters Tennis For Older Adults and Beginners
Tennis pro Mark Davis and Masters Tennis Instructor Sandy Clark explain why masters tennis is a great game for advanced and beginner players. This overview video is just one of many that offers health and wellness tips at • • Masters tennis has the social and physical aspects of regular tennis but is tailored for seniors. It has a shorter court; instead of a 78-foot court, it is 60 feet. There are no doubles alleys; the singles court is used for doubles, and there is less movement. If you have a rotator cuff issue, you could play masters tennis because you can serve underhand. • The game is ideal for seniors who still enjoy tennis but no longer can play on a full court, and for those who want to learn but prefer not to go up against more advanced players. They can learn the game and have fun at the same time. • • Learn more about exercise: • • Disclaimer: This content is for entertainment purposes only and it is not meant to be relied on as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your physician before starting any exercise or dietary program or taking any other action respecting your health. In case of a medical emergency, call 911. • Subscribe to the Evergreen Wellness channel now: • • • Socialize with us. It’s good for you! • / myevergreenwellness • • / evergreentoday • • / evergreen-wellness • • / evergreenwellne • • / evergreenwellness • •