Workback Schedules with Notion Automations
In this video I am walking you through how to use Notion's automations to dynamically create a set of project phases (sub-projects), apply templates, and generate project and task dates based on a parent project. (Also sometimes called backwards planning) • I walk through a demo using two different project scenarios: • 1. Planning an exhibition and project phases based on an exhibition launch date, and • 2. planning a web design project that sets up sub-projects with date ranges based on a parent project date • This demo assumes you have a basic understanding of relation properties, and that you have a relation between your project and task databases, as well as a self relation in your Project database, to create a Paren-Child relationship. • Using DateAdd and DateSubtract, using Notion's Define Variable feature, and custom formulas for the date property, we can do a lot of heavy lifting to automatically set multiple project dates based on parent project date. • 00:00 Introduction to Work Back Schedules in Notion • 00:21 Setting Up the Exhibition Project • 01:09 Creating Subprojects and Templates • 03:06 Automating Project Activation • 04:12 Managing and Viewing Projects • 05:42 Detailed Automation Breakdown • 11:47 Generating Tasks for Subprojects • 17:19 Advanced Date Range Automations • 22:12 Final Tips and Conclusion • Template used in this video: • • ⚡️ Check out my other Notion templates: • • 🪄 Learn the magic of Formula Fundamentals • • ⚡️ Master your workflows with my course, Notion Mastery: • • ☕️ Love this content and want to buy me a coffee? •