Dua That Made The Prophet ﷺ Cry ᴴᴰ Dua For Tahajjud ᴴᴰ

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► Donate Support , So we can continue Good Islamic work, Make Islamic Videos and Supplications And Beautiful Quran Recitations. • Support Our Dawah By Donating, Donate now and Share the Reward Blessings with Us, • You will be rewarded for ALL our future Quran Recitations Supplications, Hadith Reminders, Islamic quotes projects,!! In sha Allah Jazzak'Allahu Khairan for your Support! • For Donation Contacut Us : • [email protected] •   / saadalqureshiofficial   • • DON'T FORGET TO Like SUBSCRIBE !!! • Please Like Saad Al qureshi OFFICIAL Facebook page : •   / saadalqureshiofficial   • • Narrated Ibn `Abbas RA : • When the Prophet (ﷺ) got up at night to offer the Tahajjud prayer, he used to say: (O Allah! All the praises are for you, You are the Holder of the Heavens and the Earth, And whatever is in them. All the praises are for You; You have the possession of the Heavens and the Earth And whatever is in them. All the praises are for You; You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth And all the praises are for You; You are the King of the Heavens and the Earth; And all the praises are for You; You are the Truth and Your Promise is the truth, And to meet You is true, Your Word is the truth And Paradise is true And Hell is true And all the Prophets (Peace be upon them) are true; And Muhammad SAW is true, And the Day of Resurrection is true. O Allah ! I surrender (my will) to You; I believe in You and depend on You. And repent to You, And with Your help I argue (with my opponents, the non-believers) And I take You as a judge (to judge between us). Please forgive me my previous And future sins; And whatever I concealed or revealed And You are the One who make (some people) forward And (some) backward. There is none to be worshipped but you . Sufyan said that `Abdul Karim Abu Umaiya added to the above, 'Wala haula Wala quwata illa billah' (There is neither might nor power except with Allah). • Sahih al-Bukhari 1120 • Oh Allah, all praise belongs to You, You are the giver of light to the heavens and earth and all who are in them, for You is all praise, You are the care taker of the heavens and earth and all who are in them, for You is all praise, You are the absolute truth, Your promise is true, Your word is true, Your meeting is definite, Heaven and Hell fire is true, the day of judgement is true, the Prophets are true, Muhammad is true, Oh Allah, only to You I submit, only upon You I rely, only in you I believe, only to You I return, only with your help do I debate, only You do I take as a judge, so forgive all that I have done or will do, all that I do openly and secretly, You are the one who puts (people) ahead and behind, there is none worthy of worship besides You. • اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ نُورُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ قَيِّمُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَنْ فِيهِنَّ وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ الْحَقُّ وَوَعْدُكَ حَقٌّ وَقَوْلُكَ حَقٌّ وَلِقَاؤُكَ حَقٌّ وَالْجَنَّةُ حَقٌّ وَالنَّارُ حَقٌّ وَالسَّاعَةُ حَقٌّ وَالنَّبِيُّونَ حَقٌّ وَمُحَمَّدٌ حَقٌّ اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ أَسْلَمْتُ وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَبِكَ آمَنْتُ وَإِلَيْكَ أَنَبْتُ وَبِكَ خَاصَمْتُ وَإِلَيْكَ حَاكَمْتُ فَاغْفِرْ لِي مَا قَدَّمْتُ وَمَا أَخَّرْتُ وَمَا أَسْرَرْتُ وَمَا أَعْلَنْتُ أَنْتَ الْمُقَدِّمُ وَأَنْتَ الْمُؤَخِّرُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ • dua at night • ► Donate support and donate us, So we can continue Good Islamic work, Make Islamic Videos and Supplications And Beautiful Quran Recitations. • Support Our Dawah By Donating, Donate now and Share the Reward Blessings with Us, • You will be rewarded for ALL our future Quran Recitations Supplications, Hadith Reminders, Islamic quotes projects,!! In sha Allah Jazzak'Allahu Khairan for your Support! • Contacut Us : • [email protected] •   / saadalqureshiofficial   • • اللهم لك الحمد انت نور السماوات و الارض • Prayer at Night (Tahajjud) - Best Dua Tahajjud Prayer By saad al qureshi


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