Irish REDhead Convention 2013 Were you there


Filmed by blue shed productions for the third annual Irish Redhead Convention which took place on August 18th, 2012 • Filmed by Maurice Supple    / blueshedproductions   • Music by Of mice Men • The 4th Irish Redhead Convention, Crosshaven, 2013 • • Run by proud redhead brother and sister team, Joleen and Denis Cronin, took place for the third year running in the beautiful sailing village of Crosshaven in County Cork. • To benefit the Irish Cancer Society, there was a feast of festivities for all foxy folk. It started as a joke in the siblings family pub and succeeded to becoming a festival of extraordinary uniqueness. Last years foxy frenzy saw 500 natural redheads descend upon the town and this years festival was even more successful. • The highest percentage of natural redheads in the world live in Scotland at 13% with Ireland reigning in close behind at 10%. According to some genetic scientists redheads are becoming rarer and could become extinct in 100 years. • To celebrate this day of genetic gingerness there was a REDgistration stand at the village square, Crosshaven, with Official Red Head Certificates of Genuine Foxiness. Other foxy activities included 'the big red soap box' dedicated for impromptu red head speeches and performances, a ginger chef cook -- off between Denis Cronin of Cronin's Pub and Kate Lawlor of Fenn's Quay, red head photography with Germany fashion photographer Jorg Koster, and lots of family competitions including 'best red eyebrows', 'longest red hair' and the popular 'most freckles per square inch'. All captured for prosperity by Maurice Supple from Blue shed productions, based in Cork. • For those unlucky enough not to be Ginger and Gorgeous the day will be action packed for all the family to enjoy.


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