Marine Battery Flooded Cell Specific Gravity Test on Trojan T105
This video is about testing every cell in a bank of flooded deep cycle batteries. • In this example, eight six volt Trojan T-105 225Ah batteries are connected in series to make 48 volts to the Duffy boat controller. • Monthly Battery Testing • This boat has two banks of eight batteries, sixteen in all. The two 48 volt banks are paralleled. DCB performs monthly Duffy battery testing in Coronado and Mission Bay. An EZRED battery hydrometer is used for every battery cell (48 cells). Buy on Amazon • Only add distilled water to batteries. • Duffy Boat Battery On Board Charger - Delta Q • The onboard charger has a job to do here. All sixteen batteries are charged with a Delta Q 4800-DB1 charger approx 20 amps output. Charging begins at the fist positive and finishes at the last negative. We test the charger output every month. • Dry Batteries • Normally when we find dry battery cells the batteries will need to be replaced. In this situation, the battery watering system failed and water was not being delivered to the batteries by the previous boat owner. The new owner hired us to check battery health. The battery cells that were dry were filled only to the top of the battery plate then recharged. A day later we re-visited and do a hydrometer test on all of the cells. The cells that had been dry tested good with the EZRED hydrometer. • Battery Watering System - Flow Rite • A Flow Rite battery watering system was installed by Duffy because three rows of batteries are under the deck and cannot be opened to manually deliver water. • We found that one of the connecting hoses on the Flow Rite system is damaged and water is not flowing into the battery cell. This will be a simple repair. • Article by Jeff Schwen • EZRed Battery Hydrometer • San Diego Duffy Battery Care