How To Play Patty Cake
This video is about Izzy and Char dealing with learning how to play patty cake. But when charlotte becomes a very different student will it make Izzy have second thoughts about her passion? Watch to find out!______________________________________Thanks so much for watching this video! It was recirded 2 years ago. This short movie features 9 and a half year old me and 10 year old Charlotte. You can check out me and Charlottes collab channel here: / @crazybesties139 _____________________________________Charlotte is one of my best friends! ______________________________________Please note that this short film was totally made up as we were going. It has absolutely no plot and we basically just made it because we were bored. I hope you found it funny:) ______________________________________Go follow my social media: ASK IZZY (video advice column): https: // / dailyitemvideo (it is through a newspapers channel) _________________________________ Musically: @izzydaswiftie ____________________________________ Instagram: @izzydaswiftie and @askizzy _____________________________________ Facebook: Ask Izzy _____________________________________ Twitter: Ask Izzy1 _____________________________________ Thanks so much for watching be sure to like, subscribe, and check out my latest videos!