How To Repair Cracked Concrete Curbs Broken Into Segments
How To Repair Cracked Concrete Curbs Broken Into Segments • Here we show you how to repair cement curbs. We repaired this cracked curb at one of our condos and this broken curb that was cracked into 9 broken curb chunks with huge 1 to 2 gaps in between. We performed a major DIY cement curb repair and did a major yard rescue on this property. These are the basic steps: • DYI How to repair cement curbs • We filled in all the gaps with gravel reinforced concrete, patched it up nicely, and primed and repainted it. You can't even tell it was ever in pieces. Repairing concrete curbs is fun and quick. • WATCH: Best DIY Construction Tips, Walls Structure, Demolition, Engineering Fails: • • Best DIY Construction Tips, Walls S... • How to repair cracked curbs DIT • 1) The first step in this concrete curb repair is we filled all the gaps of this broken concrete curb with rapid setting (20 min. or so) Quikcrete mailpost concrete because it is a gravel-strengthened concrete. For a concrete curb repair like this, having gravel in the concrete gives it strength when you fill the large curb cracks and gaps. • Now spread cement to smooth over the cracked concrete curb repair • 2) After the concrete has been used to fill in the gaps as part of this concrete curb repair, we mixed up powder-based cement and smoothed over all the spots of the concrete crack repairs, to fill in the remainder of the space on top of the concrete, hiding all the imperfections and cracks, and creating a new smoother cement surface that looks like a brand new cement curb when it was originally made. • 3) Then we smoothed out the cement curb evenly and roughened the texture with the rough side of a wet drywall sponge, to make it match the rest of the cement curb to complete the repair. • This cement curb repair looked incredible and neighbors came out to comment how good it looked. Once we painted over the repaired cement curb, you could never tell this was a shattered curb before we started. This cement curb repair also made the outside of our condo parking lot look awesome, and helped us sell our condo for more money. Remember, cement curb appeal! • How to fix a cement step • Let's face it, no one wants to drive up and see your house with cement steps in need of repair, or a cracked concrete curb. Where is the curb appeal in all that? You can use all of these steps here for a cement step repair as well. So if you've been wondering how to patch a cement step, hopefully this video will inspire you to make this DIY cement repair on your own.